
Saturday, January 4, 2014

My Resolution

Happy New Year!

I realize that I’m a little late posting my New Year’s resolutions. Most people have already broken theirs by now. But I wanted to be sure this year. I wanted to come up with something fabulous and truly life changing. After all, according to my long-ago teenage self, this is the year I turn “really, really old.” I need to make it count.

While Christmas shopping, I bought myself a Fitbit bracelet. I’ve been tracking my calories (consumed and destroyed) as well as exercising daily. I’ve been walking more and I even hit my fitbit’s goal of 10,000 steps three days in a row (the first time was in the Dairy Queen parking lot heading to my car after savoring a hot fudge Sunday. I almost turned around to go back in and celebrate!). 

A friend posted on Facebook that she was going to do The Daniel Plan. Always looking for an excuse to buy another book, I got onto Amazon and placed an order. The last package (you need to spend $35 to get free shipping, so you can’t just buy one book) arrived yesterday, and this morning I plopped down on the couch and read the first three chapters.

Yup. There’s a New Year’s resolution in there somewhere.  And it’s a big one. I suggest you read it…

So here it is. This year, in 2014, I want to become healthy in all realms of my life: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

It’s going to be a lot of work, and I won’t be able to do it on my own. But My God wants to see me succeed even more than I do. And then, there’s always all of you, right? 

So today’s task was to sit down and figure out: What does spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically healthy look like?

Hmm. Well, here goes. To me being healthy means that my bills are paid, I’m fully connected with family and friends, my house is clean (to my standards, perhaps not my Grandmother’s), my sink is not overflowing with dirty dishes, and the laundry hamper lid can close. I escape often to meet my Savior in the woods, or down by the lake. I do my job well, am an appropriate weight, and have clothes that fit me nicely. I’m able to climb the occasional mountain and do jump and jacks with my students. I have mental clarity, and can make decisions quickly and confidently. My hair is healthy, my nails are painted, my heartburn is under control. My teeth are clean and my breath smells nice; my feet and back don’t hurt. I don’t worry about opinions, don’t hide in my hermit cave, and I don’t pursue reconstruction procedures because I feel that I ought to but I take the brave steps that my heart longs to. I laugh daily, giggle occasionally, and my soul is filled to the brim with a gentle joy and His quiet peace. 

And there it is. My New Year’s resolution.

I’m going to strive to become the Me He created me to be.

So here’s my question for you. What does healthy look like in you?


  1. Great resolution! I have seen that book and heard about the Daniel plan. I may have to check it out! Healthy to me means not always being in a hurry...taking time to slow down and make things count like spending time - REAL time, not just a passing moment and not a moment because I have to - with God and with those who mean the most to me. The word I want to live by this year is "intentional". Physically, I think that healthy means eating REAL food. Happy New Year to you, and may you be all He created you to be!

    1. I love your comment about taking time to slow down and make things count. I'm a rusher -- I need to stop and enjoy more. :)
