
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Doctors Do the Happy Dance, Too

Tomorrow makes two weeks from surgery. 
I'm happy. I'm healthy. I'm not hurting too badly, :) and my stitches are dissolving as I type.

I met with my surgeon again today. He took a look at the new scars, trimmed a long stitch that was poking out, and then told me that I'd really scared him two weeks ago when I'd pointed out the new lumps. He really thought that my cancer had returned. But he removed both lumps, sent them in with all the excess fluid, and did the happy dance when all three results came back benign.

I was talking with a friend over lunch today about this whole cancer journey I've been on. Yes, there have been some deep downs, but there have been ups to. And I think some of the best ups have been the nurses and doctors who've walked alongside me. Like Cheryl -- the oncological nurse who gave me my first and last chemos, and most of the ones in between. She was my nurse the night I had an allergic reaction to taxol. I had just sat up straight in my chair, realizing I suddenly couldn't breath -- when she was suddenly by my side with oxygen and benadryl. I had a nasty cough for the rest of the evening. But I was fine. Because of Cheryl. Because of my medical oncologist. Because of my surgeon -- who's just as happy as I am when the results come back negative.

Today, he drew a blue circle around a bright red patch of skin and told me to call if the red escaped out of the blue circle. I'm on a new antibiotic (no throwing up yet!) and continuing to relax. I'm in good hands.

My God has every single detail accounted for...

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