The timer is set. I'll jog until the devotional finishes. Pace doesn't matter. I can jog fast and hard or slow and leisurely, but I'll still finish at the same time.
Kind of like our Christian walk - we'll get there at the same time whether we work hard for the kingdom or not.
But, when the timer beeps, that rewards are different. If I run hard and push myself, I have more steps logged on my Fitbit and I've burned more calories. If I jog easy, I still finish at the same time, but I don't get my steps in and I can't eat the same treats after.
All Believers will get to Heaven through God's grace and Christ's shed blood. But the rewards we receive and the crowns He gives us will depend on how hard and how well we worked during the time allotted.
Maybe it's time I picked up the pace.
How about you?
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