
Friday, October 9, 2015

Answering a Pledgedrive

I was driving in to work yesterday, with my local Christian radio station playing. About five minutes from work, it began to get staticky, like it always does. I pressed the button for my second choice and K-LOVE came on. They're in the middle of their fall pledge drive. As the dj's began asking everyone to pray about giving and listen quietly, I sent up my not-very-heart-felt prayer for clarification. I had to sort out the feelings - was I feeling guilted by a skillful dj or convicted by the Holy Spirit. I need a clear sign to part with my money. Then a brief testimony was shared over the airwaves. A woman who was not a Christian, but who is seriously contemplating the idea after listening to this station. "That testimony was from Monica," the dj called out. "Are there any other Monica's out there who are able to give?" Yes. That was sufficiently clear. But I didn't know the number. So the dj's began chanting the number together. Unfortunately, I was still driving, and my phone was in the bottom of my bag in the back of my car. I promised that if I still remembered the number when I got to work, I'd call in. A song came on as I pulled into the parking lot. I fetched out my phone and looked at it, knowing I'd never remember the number. A couple of digits flashed through my head and I typed in the numbers, guessing at a couple. I crossed my fingers as the phone began to ring (I won't tell you which side I was rooting for). "K-LOVE radio" said the voice on the other side. So I offered my pledge. "What's your name?" "Monica" I had to go into work after that, so I never did find out how many Monica's pledged that day. But here's the real point of the story. He's taking my information, I'm tapping my fingers on the steering wheel and watching the clock so I'm not late, and the whole process is taking forever. Then he suddenly asked, "Is there anything we can pray about for you?" I wasn't expecting that. But I needed that. And the words came bubbling out. 'I'm an eight year breast cancer survivor, and at the end of the month I'm having a Basel cel carcinoma removed... This time it's on my face which is what's really freaking me out...' We chatted a while. He has a friend who had breast cancer which came back as skin cancer in the same place. He said that our God is the great healer. I agreed. And I said that even when He doesn't heal, it's all part of a great plan. He agreed. We talked about the good He gives us through the bad. I talked about my book. He wrote the name down and said he was going to pick up a copy. Then it was time to hang up and go to work. 'God bless,' he said. He already has. Over abundantly. Incredibly. In the most beautifully unexpected ways. I'm certainly not saying that you have to go out and find a pledge drive to give to. Just listen. And if He clearly says to do something, do it. Then tell me your story of amazement. God bless!