
Friday, October 25, 2013

Just another debate

Every now and then I sit down to wrestle with the ideas of ‘elect’ and ‘chosen.’
Are there only a few, or does God really not want any to perish?
How many sneak in at that last minute?
How many really end up in eternal damnation? 

And no matter how I wrestle, no matter from what angle I peer,
I always come back to the simple, yet stunning fact,
That the Creator of all humanity looked down at little defiantly selfish me
and saw something potentially pleasing.

He chose, chased, and cherished me.

No, Abba.
Right now, in this blissful moment, I have no other questions.
With every cell in my body – Thank You.

How about you? What do you wrestle with?

Monday, October 14, 2013

My Purpose

I love these days.
These moments.

These simple times when I stop running around doing and sit down long enough to listen.

Lately my life has been quite out of balance. Work has taken over – which is normal this time of year, but never easy. And this year seems worse. With 27 little ones (up from 23 last year) my paper grading time has increased by about half an hour a day. My planning time has also increased as I try to figure out who needs what when and away from whom… I also doesn’t help that we were unable to purchase workbooks this year, and that we’re rewriting the math and ela curriculum as we teach, to align them with the common core. And that the photocopier is broken. Again.

And then there’s the actual teaching. I can’t remember any of my undergrad courses covering how to teach science to 27 curious kittens spanning six grade levels in ability, each bringing their own painful baggage to the table…


But none of that today!

Because today God’s whisper is breaking through.
“Breath. Walk. Listen.”

Life is not about getting everything done.
It’s not about getting every paper graded and passed back the next day (month?).
Somedays, life is simply about sleeping in. Eating cider donuts and playing Pandora radio in pjs.

Refreshing. Refocusing. Rebooting.


I’m not really here to teach children how to read. That’s simply something I do for fun.
I’m here to bask in the love of my Abba, and to reflect that love back to you.

How about you? 
Why are you here?